Yes, we need God. We are made to be in relationship with Him; but NO, you should not lie to your children. Providing every detail is unwise at some ages. However, you don't tell children that tragedy "won't happen to them". You let them know we are in a broken world and that they need God. They can trust Him.
Excellent comment on that video: "A relationship to God is not a matter to using religion as an alternative to anxiety drugs. This woman is not doing more good than harm. You don't fix the brokenness of humans by faking like there is a "big man in the sky" because of "psychological benefits". If God is real, then seek Him and serve Him with your life. Once you get to know Him, He will make you new and heal your brokenness and give you peace. If He isn't real, then don't waste your time with religion. The only reason religion does any good at all is because God exists and we are designed to be in a relationship with Him. Animals have no thoughts of, ...
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