Truth Matters
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Truth matters. Not every aspect of truth is always able to be determined by empirical means; but all beliefs must be grounded in evidence to be valid. Share data, cross reference, peer review, poke holes, keep what stands up to criticism. We can all come together under the banner of truth if we are genuine. Those that seek to influence due to ulterior motives are unwelcome.
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May 26, 2021

Today’s racial conflicts are not so much a revolt rising from genuine moral outrage as they are a replay of a Marxist attempt 60 years ago to create dissatisfaction with American culture. In his book Color, Communism and Common Sense,[9] Manning Johnson, a first-hand witness of that attempt, describes the activities of communist adherents in the 1930s and 1940s. They determined to undermine faith in American institutions by exposing America as a deeply racist society. Johnson, who calls himself a once-dedicated “comrade,” sought to liberate his fellow blacks from the tyrannical white culture. For this, Soviet and white American communists trained black enthusiasts like him in “organized street demonstrations, mob violence, how to fight the police and how to politically ‘throw a brick and hide.’” (7). The goal was to create “a common front against the white oppressors” (15). He documents that the plot to use “Negroes as the [expendable] spearhead” of the undermining of America was created by Stalin in 1928, ten years after the creation of the Commintern (the World Organization of Communism). “The top white communist leaders” hypocritically used the idea of racial conflict in “a cold-blooded struggle for power to advance the cause of Communism in America” (37).

Johnson saw the hypocrisy of the project, since he realized that “white men sold white men as slaves [and] black men sold black men as slaves” (43). Both were capable of racism. Nevertheless the hypocritical goal was “to make the white man’s system, the white man’s government responsible for everything” (44), using “smear as a cardinal technique, in seeking to divide America” (52). Interestingly, he noted the communistic tendency of the liberal media of the day, showing “biased attitudes against whites” and failing to report any racial progress which it deliberately “wiped out” and smeared as “a propaganda hoax” (54).

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