Take regular time to spend reading the bible and in prayer for God asking Him to bring about conviction for us, revival, to reveal truth, to thwart the schemes of those committing fraud in our elections, and to ask for clarity, wisdom, discernment, and peace. Do not allow the media's lies and the fraud of those on the radical left to take your eyes off of God. He will bring you peace. Trust Him! No matter how things seem. He is in control and you will realize this as you spend time with Him in prayer and in His word. He has a plan. Maybe all of this needs to happen to reveal the corruption to even those who would never have believed it otherwise. This may be what we need to finally purge the corruption from our political halls and to convict our nation's population and bring about repentance and salvation for those who have never submitted to God and turned from their sins. We need Him far more than we need any politician. Never forget that. Continually plead to the Lord like the persistent widow. Keep pleading your case to the Lord. Show Him, and yourself, that He is the one you can trust in. Abandon politics as a substitute for religion. It is a relationship to God that will make you whole and will be the answer to your deepest burning questions, fears, and desires. Career politicians can only make promises that they will never deliver on. God never fails. He loves you.
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